Contact Us

Committee Officers:

Peter Elliott

Mike Allen

Committee Members:

Ben Spiers

Chris Sherwood

Simon McDougall

Wayne Cooper

Sub-Committee Members:

Wellbeing: Simon McDougall [Chair]
Sam Jones / Mike Mewitt / George Birkett

Suggestions & Complaints: Ben Spiers [Chair]
Chris Sherwood / Chris Hargreaves / Glen Tuffin / Mat Lindsay / Sam Jones

Updates to the website are reliant on you, the players. Please use the "Submit Result" button at the top of the page to send us your result.

We aim to update the website within 24hrs of any results received.

Facebook is the primary social media aspect for the Southampton Regional Pool League.

Most teams post photos of their results on the site enabling us to update the league tables with extreme efficiency, often within 12 hours of the match being played.

WhatsApp us your result card!

If you're a WhatsApp user, you can now send us your result card photo through the app. Send it to the usual SRPL mobile number: 07787 177 699. You can download the app by clicking here.

Send a photo of your result by email or MMS!

Send a photo via MMS to 07787 177 699 or via email to

Any photo result sent via MMS or email are considered confirmed results. However, please hold onto the card in case we need to refer to it later in the season.

Please note that this phone number is often unmanned. If you have any urgent queries, please email us or leave an answerphone message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.