You will find everything you need know about the league including Fixtures, League Tables, Rules, Team Details and plenty of Downloads!
For the very latest news and information check out the latest posts on our Facebook group, videos on our YouTube Channel and don't forget to join our Mailing List.
Registration is now OPEN for the SRPL Summer 2025 season.
Click here to register your TEAM ENTRY
We're trailling a new format this summer so please click here to see what's changing and ensure you're happy before registering your team.
To see which TEAMS are registered: click here.
Registration will close on Sunday 23rd March - or when the league is full, so don't delay!
PRESENTATION NIGHT 2024 was a MASSIVE success this year and we truly appreciate and thank everyone that attended and showed their support for the committee.
Check out our Facebook group for photos from the event.
Another rip roaring PRESENTATION NIGHT 2023 took place on SATURDAY 9th SEPTEMBER and featured a LIVE ACT - TRIGGER HIPPIE BAND!
Check out photos from the event here
Stats are here for the SRPL Winter 2022/23 Season!
Head over to the the tables page to view the top 20 players of each division so far.
Statistics are ranked in the order Win %, B&D %, Frames won, Frames played then Name.
With over 500 players in the league this is a massive undertaking for us.
We can only compile statistics if result cards are legible and complete. Please help us and ensure the result card is filled CLEARLY and COMPLETELY.
First name AND surname are required at EVERY MATCH.
REMEMBER: A player is only registered to a team once they PLAY a frame for that team and for this season only, TRANSFERS BETWEEN TEAMS ARE NOT PERMITTED for the entire length of the season.
Every team also receives a printed copy of the latest SRPL Newsletter with their fixtures packs. You can click here to read our latest one or any of the previous issues.
Facebook is the primary social media aspect for the Southampton Regional Pool League.
Most teams post photos of their results on the site enabling us to update the league tables with extreme efficiency, often within 12 hours of the match being played.